Free digital signature for word
Free digital signature for word

free digital signature for word

If you’re sending the file to another individual for signing, you can include instructions and other information on the signature line.Ĭreating a signature line is a simple process. In Word, a signature line is similar to the line you’d sign on a traditional document but with additional features. Visit this Microsoft support page for instructions on creating your certificate.

free digital signature for word

Free digital signature for word software#

In Windows, the process for creating your own certificate depends on the software version you’re using. While a third-party certificate is more official, creating your own can be convenient. You can receive a certificate from a third-party authority or create your own personal certificate. It’s included (along with a public key) when you send a digitally signed document.ĭigital certificates can be obtained in one of two ways. This digital certificate is what confirms your identity. In order to add electronic signatures to your Word documents, you’ll need a signing certificate. This post will explain digitally signing Word documents as well as removing them.Ī digital certificate makes the signature official You can add electronic signatures to a variety of file types, including Word documents, Excel files, and even PowerPoint slides. Since electronic signatures are legally recognized, they can be used on virtually any document that requires a signature (business agreements, real estate contracts, loan applications, etc.). They often include a digital encryption key to verify the identity of the signer and establish a legally binding confirmation. Today, electronic signatures are more sophisticated. Perhaps the oldest account of electronic signature enforceability dates back to 1869 when the New Hampshire Supreme Court determined that messages sent over telegraph could be considered binding agreements. For example, the popularity of fax machines in the 1980s led to the transmission of many important, signed documents via fax. They’ve been developing alongside various technological advancements for decades. What used to require a pen and paper can now be done conveniently with digital tools.Įlectronic signatures are not a new concept. Electronic signatures have revolutionized the way we handle documents.

Free digital signature for word